

My eBay Page

Even if you are only an occasional eBay buyer or seller you should take the time to set up your My eBay page. It is very helpful and can help you see at a glance what you are bidding on, what the status of your bid is, what you have purchased recently, from whom and how much you paid for it. It can give you all of the details about items you are selling, what the highest bid is and how much time is left on each auction. There are 8 important sections on your My eBay page that you should become familiar with: 1.The Summary: Here you will see announcements from eBay that can affect your buying and selling activity, as well as, reminders from eBay about items that you are buying, selling or watching.

2.The Watching Section: In this section you will see up-to-the-minute information regarding items that you have not bid on but selected to watch. 3.The Selling Section: Here you will see the items that you have listed for sale on eBay and the information related to each item. i.

e. the high bid, time left on the auction, etc. 4.The My Messages Section: In this section you can see if you have any messages regarding sales, purchases or other communications.

By clicking on the messages you can read them, as well as, reply to them. 5.The Favorites Section: This is in effect your eBay bookmarks. You can list links to sellers pages that you have successfully purchased from before or who carry merchandise that you may be interested in in the future. 6.

The My Account Section: Here you can update your profile, change your password, change your shipping address or leave feedback for all of the items you have sold or purchased. 7.The My Reviews and Guides Section: This section allows you access to any guides or reviews you have written previously and to edit, publish, or delete. 8.The Dispute Console: This is a section that you will hopefully never or rarely use.

It is the section to report, track and manage transaction problems. Thank you, http://buildyoursafelist.


I used to be an office and motel cleaner earning minimum wage on a contract by contract basis, working very hard to make ends meet. I have no pedigree, I am a high school dropout from a broken family. I was forced to stay at home after my baby was born, this was like a visit from an angel... I had to find a way of earn a living without leaving home. This was a life turning event... Today I enjoy an extraordinary life, earning in excess of $80,000 a month which allows me to endulge on those things I never thought It was possible before - including having my dream home. I was fortunate enough to find the right business to earn a substantial monthly income from the comfort of my own home.

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