If your debt is controlling your life and continuing to spiral out of bounds it is possible you could be an excellent candidate for debt consolidation with the help of a credit counselor. Many credit counseling organizations claim to be non-profit and specialize in helping consumers get their debt under control and help solve their current financial problems. No not assume that the words non-profit and free are same. Some credit services may provide some free assistance, but some may in fact charge substantial fees. For this reason it is important to do your research before selecting any company to trust your financial future with. The best help in dealing with your debt will usually be done face-to-face instead of over the phone or on the Internet.
That is not to say phone or web based consulting is bad. It is often much easier to examine all your options when sitting across the table. Your body language and facial expressions can give them some insight and help them read between the lines when making recommendations on what will best meet your needs and current financial situation. Once you begin to do some research you'll most likely find you are not alone and many friends and family members have dealt with debt and money problems.
Unfortunately managing money is not taught in school! Start asking around and gather your research from others along with your financial institution and local consumer protection agency. They can be excellent resources. What Should you Look for? The best organizations can give assistance and advise you on ways you can better deal with debt.
They should at a minimum give some guidance on: * How to can manage your finances, money and debts more effectively * Help you to develop a workable budget They may even know where to find or offer free educational materials and workshops. Whoever you select they need to be trained and certified in the world of money, budgeting, consumer credit and debt management. You need a company that can assist in all facets of your financial situation working towards developing a plan personalized to your needs. A personal appointment is usually the first step in taking action. The initial counseling session will typically last for an hour or more.
Depending on your debt position additional sessions may be required. Before making any appointments or commitments grab as much free information as possible to evaluate potential companies to work with. When requesting this information limit the amount of details concerning your financial status. Remember they are being interviewed by you to see if they provide what you need. Take that into account even with a interest free credit cards for balance transfers - read the fine print.
Any company offering financial help but does not want to provide any background about their company and the way they work you be avoided. Take the time to make an informed choice - you financial future is at stake.
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